I posted a picture of this little "Doll" of a girl, as she was refereed to in the comments, on facebook and it just really hit me that they grow so fast! Pretty soon I'm gonna want another sweet baby to cuddle and love! Isn't it funny how you have those feeling until your family is complete. I know why Heavenly Father created the cycle of life the way he did. (there is no greater joy for me than raising babies in the gospel with my hot husband!! I told him that yesterday for FATHERS DAY)
Allen and his little grumpy girl. Church= a hard day for this little one.
We are happy to announce that Addison is completely MOBIL these days. She's played around with the idea for 2 months, and now it's in full force!!! Lets be honest, I'm really happy, actually!! I knew that when she could finally do what she was thinking, she would be a lot happier too!

Addie is getting more and more attached to her binky. I'm sure you said the same thing to yourself on this round of pictures. I think after we go to Denver in July, its just going to become a bedtime thing. When she can take it out and put it back in when the sacrament comes around, Mommy thinks it's time to loose it. It is really cute when she pulls her blanket around with her to find her binky on the floor, though.

She been pulling herself up on things since before she was crawling, but the other day I went to get her up from her nap after I was beckoned, like usual, and low and behold, she was standing in her bed. I consider myself lucky that she hasn't done it before now. With that being said, I don't like it!! She's a great napper, but yes, you guessed it, naps have been quite hard this week, but today She's done good so maybe she's use to her new found freedom :)...

She loves to go outside. Whenever I'm getting ready to go outside, I ask her if she wants to go. I always gets really excited...she knows exactly what I'm asking her!