Wednesday, March 14, 2012

20 Months

We have a big girl on our hands.  She seems to be all grown up and going on 16 with the little attitude she's been having lately.  I'm definitely feeling the Terrible Two's coming on.  I have to say, I'm not liking it.  On the other hand she is melting mommy's heart with her cute little ways. 

I can see her little imagination just going to town.  She was running around with her backpack and picnic basket the other day eating on the couch.     

She loves to brush her teeth even when it's not bed time.  She goes into her drawer and gets her tooth paste and brush several times a day.

She loves to play with her cousin Brianna.  The other night she was over so she read books to Addie.  She just loved it.

Addie has to have her blanket even closer to her than she use too it seems like.  When she's eating dinner, I put it right behind her chair and she's as happy as can be.

I posted this pic on facebook the other day cause she is so darn cute. My baby is all grown up and getting ready to be a big sister.  Addison we love you so much.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daddy's Big Helper

Addison love for being outside hasn't changed,  but now that she's even more independent I think she would live out there if she could.  Allen was washing his snowmobile cover off on Saturday and had his helper right along side him. 

The wind was blowing and the water was spraying on her.  She didn't mind much but when she saw I was watching she proceeded to tell me about it.  It was almost as if she wanted me to get mad at her daddy for not paying attention.  We have a sassy one!!!!

Afterward they played on the grass and we're just enjoying the warm sun that we sure with would stick around. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Awww haaa Moment!!!

You know, I've been pinning for a while now and just came to the conclusion I need to blog my ideas and recipes and pin them on pinterest from my blog.  I HAVE CREATIVE IDEAS, GOOD RECIPES, AND DIY THINGS I DO ALL THE TIME.  I should have thought of this before....oh well.  Whenever I see someone who has pinned something that I do or have a good recipe for, it makes me feel good and that I'm on track with being smart and important.  Don't get me wrong I am finding a lot of fun and new things that I never would have on pinterest, but non the less.

I'm sure many of you out there feel the same way.  Just know you're on track too!!  Just remember that when you're hard on yourself.