Wednesday, June 23, 2010

WHAT I've Been Up TOO!!

I have to say that the last weeks of pregnancy are the greatest......and I still have three to go.  Those are the ones that should be miserable, I'm sure they will be. Ha Ha (It doesn't sound like I'm staying positive, but I really am)

I've definitely stayed busy this JUNE!!!!  A wedding, Baby showers, baby's room, blanket making, flower planting, house cleaning and frankly I don't have the energy anymore.  I sure try to have the energy, but lets not kid ourselves....it's just not there!!!

Here are some picture from the last months activities!!!!

BaBy ShOwEr:

I wasn't feeling the greatest at the baby shower but such is life as a pregnant lady right!!!  

 I want to thank everyone that supported me!!!!

  Sarah, my cousin (who is practically a niece) took these pictures of the shower in Utah......

I don't think I can ever look cute PREGNANT......

Getting Addie's Room Ready:

I've had a hard time deciding what colors I wanted for the baby room.  I was going to go with pinkish mauve and brown, then Baby pink, green and a red pattern....but ended up choosing purple and pink.  I'm usually not much of a purple person, but the pattern is really cute.
I'm not finished yet, but here is what it looks like so far.....................


  I'm trying to find a cute shelf to put above the changing table, and we haven't decided on a glider yet but that will go where the swing is now..........

Making Blankets and a few more bows....just cause it's fun!!!!!!

FLOWERS....I love planting every year....but this year.....where is my energy????

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Mama taught me well....but I also took it to heart!!!!!

I rarely watch talk shows but today I turned the TV on and there was Oprah.   She had Jamie Oliver (the food revolution guy) on her show today.  He is trying to convince  America  they need to eat better...Eat real food he says!!! He is a food guy, not a diet guy.  

It was just crazy to me what they showed American's eating and feeding there kids......PROCESSED :( :( :(   That is disgusting to eat that crap regularly. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I just thought it was common sense to make food that you knew the ingredients and to also eat fruits and veggies.  

For Example:         Making mashed potatoes from real potatoes vs. instant potatoes.....there's like 20 ingredients
                              Baking something in the oven verses frying immersed in oil.  
                              Making Chicken Nuggets vs. buying the processed who knows whats in them nuggets
                              Eating apples and string cheese instead of chips and crackers all the time
                              Making Pizza at home and not buying the frozen card board pizza. 

If you can't tell I'm ANTI processed!!!!!   Don't get me wrong, I have it every once in a while and even crave it from time to time....don't ask me why....but I never feel good afterwords.  Therefore I try not to make a habit of it.

I'm so glad that I had a mom that taught me not to rely on processed foods, but how to make things myself.....also to live the law of health. (if we all lived that better, we wouldn't have as many problems)  Everything that Jamie Oliver said on Oprah's show today was common sense to me.  It almost made me feel proud that I have a strong point and someone else agreed with me!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Almost Over, Right!!!

Okay, here is a picture at 34 weeks.  I really don't like the picture, but it's the only one I have.  Allen took it of me inside after we went to a wedding for one of his friends this last Saturday.  

I forgot my camera in the hotel room.  What a bummer because the Temple was so pretty with all the flowers and sunshine.  As soon as I can get a hold of someone that actually took some pictures of us, I will post those as well. 

..........Okay now that it's six months later....I have the other pictures.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

34 Weeks!!!

Well I went to the doctor yesterday and we are right on schedule, 6 weeks to go.  I was kinda hoping he was going to say that I was ahead of prediction and only had 4 weeks.  I never have the luck.  I have been having braxton hicks like crazy...not so fun.  My cyst on my right side keeps getting bigger and more painful, but the one on  the left side remains small.  I guess that's lucky if you want to look at it that way.  Maybe since I haven't had the easiest pregnancy, maybe I'll have a better delivery???? (probably wishful thinking)

I've been quite busy the last month, driving to Utah for weddings, going and helping friends when they need something or support (I guess it would be nice if they lived in the area of Pocatello, but they don't), keeping up with my calling as RS meeting leader, and the doc is ready to put a stop to that.  He said it's time people come to me if they want to see me!!! I have a sealing to go to on Saturday in West Jordan, Utah but then no more traveling by myself.  I agree with him but needed someone to help me make that decision.  

Really for the most part I can't complain about things.  I am really excited to welcome Addie into our home.  I just hope her Mama can make it that long??...I will...  Good thing it's not hot yet or maybe I wouldn't.