Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The things we do on rainy days...

Well today, march 20th, the first day of spring, we stayed inside and watched the rain among other fun girly things!!! I think its safe to say that we are ready for the warm weather to come and stay.
For easter i got the girls matching suits. Of course we had to try them on...perfect fit.
I love that my girls have their own unique features and looks but that you can see that they're sisters. This picture explains their personalities perfectly!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Livi @ 11 Months

Well LIVI, what a cutie you are and charming with that little face of yours but don't be fooled everyone..this is why we call her the Livi MONSTER...but she sure brings us a lot of joy!

Weight: 16 pounds 5 ounces
height: just over 27 inches

(she's grown a little since 9 months)

Well, its official, Livi isn't nursing anymore.  I've made it a whole month with her biting me on and off and.... I'M DONE WITH THAT!!! I don't get a change to heal before she has a change to bite me again. (not to mention it is really sore and then when she eats it's like starting nursing all over again). We've had a good run but it's time to move on and your not that happy but this momma is. LOVE YOU LIVI MONSTER. (and the doctor said we needed to get some weight on you so here's to formula for a month)

Livi is just learning to give kisses. She doesn't keep her mouth wide open like Addie did... 
Livi isn't crawling yet. She can pull herself up on her crib after a few tries, and scoots backwards a little. She's been one of those instant rollers. I know she's thinking, "mommy you know if you put me on my back, I'm just going to roll over as fast as I can". What a turkey!!! 

I tried to pull her hair back in a little ponytail and well I think we'll wait for a bit more hair. It's kinda cute though but when she moves the little piece of hair that is holding the clip seem like it's going to break off even. 
We are so ready for spring as you can probably tell. We play in our room, trying on cloths that we should be able to wear in a month or two. We found one we can wear now! Addie is also teaching Livi well to make messes and she is loving every minute of it.

What else have we been up to:
I cut her off on her 5am feeding (with the no nursing thing), which she would go back to sleep until 8, but enough is enough. (one day she can tell sister how hard she had it and there will be now sympathy because Addie rarely got to wake up at 5 and eat!!)

Since around valentines day she has been trying to cut her 4 top teeth. The outer right popped through first and the other outside one is trying to pop through now. The fronts are so swollen, I hope they pop through soon. (it actually happened 1 1/2 months later :()

She can say Ba (ball). She makes to same sound as Addie for a drink, uh uh uh, and she is trying to fold her arms for prayers (she puts her hand interlocked together and hold them by her chest). At this rate she may just talk as good as Addie soon. She sure mimics her (I wish she was talking more).

 I really don't put shoes on my girls because I get to stressed out when they loose one and I have to try to find it. Boots aren't to bad, and she can almost get tennie's off by herself. It does keep her entertained in the car for a while.
 Well this little stinker can get on her knees and just sit there. She is a bit of a suborn child so my guesses as to when she will crawl is unforeseen. May be a week, a month or two!!!

Church is becoming a challenge. This little wiggle worm wears mommy out, so we trade off the first hour, then daddy takes her the second hour because he can't handle her the last one when she is really tired and grumpy!!! 
Mommy needs to work on these post in the present so she can remember more things. At least I got a post out. Now to work on 1 year!!!