Friday, January 4, 2013

Addison at 2 1/2 Years

Weight:  25 pounds
Height:  34 inches
Head:   18.5

Whenever I look into those big blue eyes I just can't help but think how lucky I am that your my little girl.  Heavenly father sure sent me a special gift and I sure don't want to let him down.  You are becoming quite the little lady...I think the pictures below can kind of explain just how much fun we have around here.  You're a pretty good helper and sister to Livi.  She sure loves to watch and do what your doing.  Your a good helper and most of the time a really good listener, Mommy sure loves you...

Addi saw me picking something out of Maggie's hair the other day so she decided to copy me. Just another indication I am always being watched (so tow the mark momma)!

I'm already to go to town mom!  Granted it's snowing outside and almost dark, but she's ready...
Getting the darn curlers in I tell you is a chore, but then life is good.  She sleeps in them really good!
She's thinking, "mom please not another picture with Livi...we have enough!"
All her babies and toys are so loved.

Sometimes she just wants to do what Livi is doing because it looks so fun.
What can I say,  Your mommy and daddy sure love you and are so happy that you are growing, learning new things and developing that FULL personality you have.

Olivia at 9 Months

Weigtht:  15 pounds 10 ounces
Height: 27 inches
Head: 17

Well Liv's 9 months is here.  You are such a pretty little lady.  You've been so happy up until the weekend before Christmas when your bottom two teeth wanted to come in and the day after Christmas they did.   Cutting these first 2 teeth was pretty rough but we got through it. We now have cute little nubs.

  • Livi started saying ma ma ma and da da a few weeks ago.   it's like she knows she's calling me and I'm listening. (she says ma 3 times and da twice, it's pretty cute).  She said ma ma ma first and that makes me so happy!
  • She has cut down to 2, 1 1/2 hour naps,  morning and afternoon.  She goes to bed between 6:30 and 7pm and wakes at 6 to nurse and goes back to bed till around 8.  I need to just cut her off, but I'm fine with it, so I'll just enjoy her a little longer because she is getting to big to fast.
  • This little one still hates her tummy, crawling might not happen for awhile, but she reaches over her knees and falls forward so I know she wants to crawl...so we put her on her tummy. When she's sitting on my lap she grabs my shirt and pulls herself up.  
  •  She gets mad at me when I don't give her what I'm eating...so I do because I think it's good to let them eat what you're eating.  I till carry around the baby food sqeezies to fill her up at inconvenient times or for church. 
  • She doesn't like to share but will get really mad at Addison when she wont share with her. She has this high pitched scream that she's learned and mommy doesn't know who is worse her or her sister!!
  • eats solids really well...doesn't want any babyfood anymore
  • rolls her tough just like I taught her.
  • plays peak-a-boo and can almost play patty cake by herself
  • is either happy or really mad...she has no in between 


    Tuesday, January 1, 2013

    Recap of 2012

    2012 was one of the best years yet....And we can't wait for an even better 2013 to get going.  Here's just a quick recap of our Year.

    • Spent New years with grandma in Gooding since we had just gotten back from New Mexico for Christmas.
    • Got a family picture, last one before Livi came
    • Allen went to Vegas for a conference....first time going to Vegas ever...and he came home 120 dollars richer!!!
    • Mom and Dad came for a visit in Big Bird
    • The weather was warmer than usual, hardly any snow but maybe it was because I was 8 months pregnant.
    • Chick-fi-a opened up in Idaho fall so we made a few trips.  We're just glad we don't have to drive to Ogden anymore to satisfy a craving!!!
    •  oh and don't forget that it was LEAP YEAR
    • 1 month of pregnancy left...hallelujah (but we still don't have a name for this little girl)
    • Had a visiting teaching brunch and it was warm enough to walk outside (it made me want summer to come so much)
    • Went into labor the 31st
    • Olivia Lee came into the world (we got our April fools baby even though this momma was trying for the night before)
    • My parents were here to watch Addie and visit the hospital.
    • Made a trip to Utah for my moms 50th birthday with a three week old.
    • Planted our garden 
    • This month I really was trying to get into a routine having 2 girls...
    • Taylor left on his mission to Chile (Cousin on my moms side)
    • Spent the weekend in Gooding for Memorial day
    • Blessed Alivia on the 1st Sunday in June
    • Livi started sleeping through the night (6pm to 5am)
    • Went on a girls trip to New Mexico for a week with Camille (my sister-in-law)
    • We love that the warm weather is here to stay.  We have been outside everyday multiple times a day
    • Spent 4th of July in IF.  We had a picnic in the park, went to the zoo, shopping and played on Uncle Steve's blow up water park.
    • Went to wolf creek with Sandra, Connie and DJ, and Brenda and Joe. Addie rode in the tube without me for just a few minutes.
    • Headed home for Grandma Ferrell's funeral on the 14th with was Addie's second birthday.
    • Had a shower for Misha (blakes wife)...had kabobs, fruit, raspberry sorbet in lemon slices and mango salad.
    • Kami and Brynn visited us overnight.
    • Headed home again for Grandpa Omer's funeral (unexpected) on the 4th. I gave the closing prayer in Spanish. 
    • Had a baby to Bee shower for my neighbor Amber. The yellow, black and white them turned out really nice.
    • Attended Blake's wedding in Salt Lake on the 18th. Took livi swimming for the first time at the hotel.  She loved the hot tub with Addie.
    • Allen and I celebrated our 3rd year anniversary. (long story short...I was craving red lobster so we went there...crazy I know but you have to satisfy a craving)
    • Addison attended her first birthday party for a friend, our neighbor across the street (journey). She had a good time in the bouncy house.
    • Canned over 100 quarts of peaches in a day and a half with Sandra. It was really alot of fun for the second year in a row!!
    • Started preschool within our ward. Addie is going with older kids because she has no one in her age group in our ward.
    • Got a new calling teaching the 4th (teaching for our times) Sunday lesson in Relief Society. The 23rd was my first lesson, what thinks Christ of me.
    • Allen went to New Orleans for the first time for a conference.
    • Made freezer meals during conference this year...will never do that again!!
    • Allen got a full mouth of braces on the 16th right before we took our yearly vacation. He didn't enjoy himself very much.
    • Took the girls trick o treating by myself this year (allen didn't find it important to join us). Good thing it was a record warm day. Next year I'm taking the stroller.
    • Taught my second lesson, Teaching our children to understand. 
    • I'm so glad that we have slowed down a bit and can finally breath form our very busy summer extended till now. 
    • The big highlight for me this month was watching the last twilight. It was bittersweet for me, but I loved every minute of it. I just wanted it to go on and on...I could've sat there for another hour...ha ha.
    • This year I turned 31...it was much better than 30!!!
    • Thanksgiving was casual again, just had afternoon dinner at Brenda's.Maybe next year we can do something...never going to happen if we keep having black friday
    • Had our second annual Strickland Family Christmas party. It went pretty good, so next year should be even better
    • This month has entailed many Christmas shopping trips, with Sandra to IF a few times.
    • On the 14th headed to salt lake to take mom and dads Christmas present to Chads. Had Family pictures, and got pictures of the 4 grand daughters.
    • Had Christmas in Gooding with Sandra and Steve's family. 
      • Drove to mountain home to see Sister Yates