Height: 26 1/2 inches
Head: 17
Oh my goodness time is going so fast. 9 months, I can't believe you are here! We have weighed you on the scale at home and I figured you were around 15 pounds but I figured you would be no different than your sisters and be small. You were alittle smaller than I thought and the doctor was concerned but I told him that all my babies were their smallest from 9 months to a year and not to worry.
I have tried to give you extra milk but you still will have nothing to do with a bottle and a binky is still a no go! You are loving solid foods. The last month we have been doing baby food along with some food that mommy or daddy is eating. Upon reaching the 9 month mark you want everything that anybody else has. Yesterday at Livi's field trip to Geronimo's we had ice cream and mommy gave you a bite...I know I shocked myself. You were being very insistent and as soon as you got it you were happy😉.
You have been a really good sleeper until this week. You go to bed around 7:30 and wake up around 6 6:30 ish. Nurse and then eat breakfast around 9 or 9:30 then you want to nurse again before your nap between 9:30 and 10. You sleep between 1 and a half to two hours. Get up and nurse and sometimes you have a foot pouch but mostly nurse again before you go down for a nap again between 1:30 and 2. You nurse when you wake up and usually eat 2 food pouches and fruit. Mommy has been trying to feed you dinner at 630 so you can nurse at 7 and you have to wait to see daddy to go to sleep.
This week has been hard because we have been running around and having things to do. It really is mommy a fault you haven't been taking good naps and waking up at 530am again to eat. You have to stop this but mommy needs to stay home and let you nap properly and then we wouldn't have any troubles. Next week we will crack down again. Summer is going to be hard
You have been up to a lot of things and you are such a joy in our lives:
- Eating almost everything mommy and daddy have
- You love yogurt melts and your sisters love to feed you and eat them too.
- You know when we try to FaceTime daddy...you know what the beeping is and if he doesn't answer or you don't see him you get really upset and cry. Daddy has had to call just to talk to you
- You are sitting up great and love to dump out all your toys while playing
- You love to laugh and it has become a deep laugh that makes everyone who eats it so happy
- You are starting to cry alittle when you know mommy or daddy aren't holding you
- We brought up your high hair and you have loved sitting in it. You still sit in the bumboo on the table too
- On Livvy's birthday she got a new bed and we moved you to the crib. It's been great
- Church has been alittle better the last few weeks. I usually can make it through sacrament meeting with a food pouch, Cheerios and yogurt melts.
- Your hair is growing and you have the bluest eyes. They go perfectly with your little chubby cheeks. Don't worry you got those from addi
- I know when you want to nurse because you have this cute little cry that's saying come on mommy it's time for milk.