Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2 MoNtHs

Actually most of these pictures were taken this last week, so I should say 9 weeks.  Our little girl is getting so cute.  We went to the doctor yesterday and we're just over 9 Ibs, 23 1/2 inches. Addison is almost fitting into 0-3 months...I have really cute cloths for her, just looks like she's going swimming.  

She loves to smile and talk to her momma. 

The camera battery died so that's why it just cuts off.

These pictures were taken on the same day....had a blowout and had to change cloths.


  1. Man, she is tiny!! Aubrey was at 9 lbs on her 2 week check up!! And I am pretty sure she has chunked up more since then. She is too cute! Gotta love blow outs...

  2. I love the bracelet! I put them on Isabella every day when she was little. And don't worry--she will grow into those clothes. Jammies are the best thing the first few months--the most comfy for them and the clothes that fit the best. She's a doll!

  3. Oh Baby weight loosing...for me it was not gaining the weight that helped take it off! With Brooklyn it took me a good 1.5 years to finally feel good about myself. Luckily with Aubrey I went down right away and feel great, I did gain a whole lot less. Nursing helps too with putting the weight down.
