Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Baby's a Big girl !!!!

Yesterday morning I put Addison on the floor for some tummy time....we haven't been good at this at all...I can count on one hand how many times I've put her on her tummy.  I ran to the kitchen to get something and when I came back she was on her back.  I had to do a double take, so I put her back on her tummy and grabbed the camera but it was dead.  That is just my luck.  After the camera was charged we tried it again and she was nothing but fussy and wouldn't roll over.  

This morning we tried it again and had total success.  It was so exciting but sad because she is getting bigger and bigger every day.  

Maggie had to supervise because she didn't want the baby to get more attention than her.  What a cute pair of rugrates!!!!

We had a very relaxing Thanksgiving (and Mommy's birthday...the big 29).  It's old to me!!!!  We didn't on the other get a picture of all of us, but we got some pictures. I got Addison in her Pajamas, then first outfit for the day until she had a leak cause dad is still learning how to put diapers on and I was hoping the final one for the day....nope we had yet another one. Worst day for changing cloths we've had!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving and Birthday Mommy!!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


The last few days we have been in a small blizzard.  I took these pictures just as the snow was starting to fall.  We've probable received 8 or so inches and don't get me started on the wind.  Sarah (in the previous pictures) made Addie a hat and we decided to try it out.  The Hat definitely kept her head warm.  Thanks Sarah.....and look at that SNOW!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Very Thankful !!!!

I was just thinking about how blessed I am.  I have a cute little family... and wonderful husband and a beautiful baby I can't live without.  We are happy and healthy.  We have a warm place to live and food to eat.  Most of all I have to gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.  With it I don't feel lost or without a purpose.  I watched this Mormon Message about Thanksgiving the other day...it just inspired me.  Whenever I'm feeling  down or a little stressed I think of all these wonderful Blessing and how much the Lord has given me and my family.  GIVE THANKS AND REMEMBER HOW BLESSED WE REALLY ARE!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Addison Meets Nanny and Papa (my moms parents)

We went to Utah for the weekend to visit with Nanny and Papa(grandparents). Sorry no pictures with papa...maybe next time.  They were watching the brown kids while Daphne (my aunt) and Mike were gone for a conference.Sorry the pictures were few and far between, but we got a few cute ones.  

Sarah (Daphne's youngest) took such good care of Addison, we didn't want to leave her.....WE MISS HER ALREADY!!!!!  We also had some family pictures taken.  It wore Allen and Addie out.I will definitely post the family ones once I get them.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

4 MonThS

If you count by weeks, Addison is 4 months, but if counting by months then we have a bit longer.  I'm counting by weeks until she reaches a few more months and I can't keep track.  We went to see Dr. west today and we are happy and healthy...here is what we have to report:

weight: 11 pounds 6 ounces  (12%tile)
length:  24 inches (55%tile)
head:  15.5 (11%tile)

She's a tiny thing!!!

We love Brittany but not shots...she does however like the good tasting liquid!!!