I lost my camera for a few weeks and we finally found it. It was tucked under the couch in a hidden pocket. I know I looked there but I guess I didn't do a very good job. I am usually better at finding things like that, but this time it was Allen! I'm just glad we found it. So her is what's been going on lately.
Addison has become a Momma's girl lately. For the last few weeks since her Morales have been coming in the only person she wants is me...I'm not liking it to much. It's hard carrying her around all the time with my ever-growing pregnant belly.

Addie is still loving her baths. She starts off in the shower with daddy and then when he gets out, he plugs the tub and she finishes up with her bath. We have to keep a little water flowing so she can play in it. I think that's her favorite part right now
Right now she has three favorite things, reading, watching Tangled and eating!!!!!!! She really enjoys helping me with the laundry especially folding her cloths.

Lately she loves to stand up on the mirror and look at her hair. We sit in the sink to do her hair. Sometimes she brushes her teeth and other times she puts lip gloss on.
She will try anything. I was making pasta and she wanted a piece of red bell pepper. I gave it to her, she ate it and wanted more. Then she ate raw cauliflower. She had a harder time chewing it.What a good girl.
She is getting more and more attached to her blanket. I don't care if we drag it all over but it won't last long that way because the blanket she chose is so thin and oh what am I going to do????
It doesn't matter how cold it is outside, we go for walks and she stays bundled up. She's just glad to be outside.
She has really enjoyed baby dolls lately. I know what Santa is bring her this year......
We still love doing all different kinds of things to this little girls hair. She agrees for the most part...when she doesn't mom doesn't give in either