Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Recipes to Try.....Coconut Chicken Salad

 All the recipes I post, I actually make and Love them.  I am trying to be more healthy and loose the baby weight.  This is so yummy!!!!!

Coconut Chicken Salad 

6 (about 12 oz) chicken tenderloins
6 tbsp shredded coconut
1/3 cup panko breading
2 tbsp crushed cornflake crumbs (gives it texture)
1-2 egg whites
pinch salt
olive oil spray
Homemade salad (mixture of romaine, green and red leaf lettuce)
Spinach leaves (optional)
3/4 cup shredded carrots
1 large tomato, sliced
1 small cucumber, sliced

1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp white vinegar 

1/2 tsp ground mustard (Dijon will work)
all vinaigrette ingredients; set aside.

oven to 375°.

coconut flakes, panko, cornflake crumbs and salt in a bowl. Put egg whites or egg beaters in another bowl.

Lightly season
chicken with salt. Dip the chicken in the egg, then in the coconut crumb mixture. Place chicken on a cookie sheet lined with parchment for easy cleanup. Lightly spray with olive oil spray and bake for 30 minutes turning halfway, or until chicken is cooked through.

a handful of salad on each plate. Divide carrots, cucumber, and tomato evenly between each plate. When chicken is ready slice on the diagonal and place on top of greens. Heat dressing in the microwave a few seconds and divide equally between each salad; a little over 1 tbsp each.

Gammy and Kallie came to visit...then Grandma Strickland

 We were so excited to have visitors this last week!!!!  Addison is in that stage where she doesn't like strangers, so we need all the visitors we can get.  It took a few days for Addison to warm up to Gammy and Kallie, which was all the time they had with us...we needed a few more days., but we were so glad to have them come.  Maybe next time we'll get a few more days!!!!!

Besides the fact that she wanted the cookie scoop, Kallie was getting too close.  We made peanut butter Cookies and decided to put some chocolate chips in them...they tasted really good!!!

We were sad to see them go, but we hope to see them the middle of April and then again in July for Addie's first birthday and Nanny and Papa's 50 wedding anniversary.

What a week for Addison, getting to see both grandma's in the same week!!!!

Since Grandma Strickland lives closer and can visit more often, Addison knows her a bit better and doesn't cry for momma!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Recipes to Try.....Chicken and Mushrooms, craisin salad

This is a great recipe. I love to serve it over rice pilaf and a side of craisin salad.

Chicken and Mushrooms
  • 6-8 chicken tenderloins, slightly pounded out
  • 2 tsp butter
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 12 oz sliced mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup white wine (If you don't want to use wine, use white wine vinegar for acidity, but it will be a bit more tangy)
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • salt and fresh pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

oven to 200°. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Lightly dredge in flour.

a large skillet on medium heat; when hot add 1 tsp butter and 1 tsp olive oil. Add chicken to the skillet and cook on medium heat for about 5 minutes on each side, or until chicken is no longer pink. Set aside in a warm oven.

additional oil and butter to the skillet, then garlic and cook a few seconds; add mushrooms, salt and pepper stirring occasionally until golden, about 5 minutes. Add a 1Tbs. flour and mix in.
wine, chicken broth, parsley; stir the pan with a wooden spoon breaking up any brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Cook a few more minutes and then add  the chicken back to the pan.  Simmer until combined and sauce is slightly thickened.  Serve over whatever you would like,  rice, pasta, mashed potato, or asparagus. 

I have it with a side of my craisin salad......Would you like the recipe ?

Craisin Salad 

Mixture of Romaine, Iceberg (shredded), Red and Green Leaf Lettuce
Italian blend cheese (or just mozzarella and parmesan cheese)
Bacon Cooked and crumbled
Slivered Almonds, toasted

I didn't put amounts because you know how much of everything you'll want!!!!

Onion Vinaigrette

1/2c. red wind vinegar
1c. sugar
1-2 slices white onion (how strong do you want it?)
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp ground mustard (powdered)
1c. Oil  (you can use olive, or salad oil....they each give different textures.)

I put everything except the oil in a blender and blend until smooth.  While the blender is till on, slowly poor the oil in until blended.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Let the warm weather begin...........Well today it snowed.........So maybe tomorrow!!!!!

The ground hog didn't see his shadow, so shouldn't spring be coming?????  What we really want is Summer.  We had one day this week that felt like spring, but you know Idaho, Winter always comes again :(.  Thank you Carters for having a great sale!!!!  We love our new sun hat and sandals, Now all we need is a cute suit and we'll be set.  I guess we'll just wear them inside for awhile.

PLay DAy!!!

The other day I received an extra 20% off coupon at carters.  I decided to look online to see what caught my eye since I don't have hardly anything for Addie in the 6-9 month range and she's gonna be in that size soon!!!  I found a whole bunch...of course.  Come to find out, they were having a 50% off sale on most things and an extra 30% off clearance.  The closest store to me (who lives in Pocatello) is in Ogden, almost two hours away.  You know me, go and do by myself, but that isn't as often cause a baby really does change that....good though!!!!

So, Yesterday I called up my good friend Lisa, who lives in Logan, and asked if she wanted to come with me to Ogden?  She has (Brian 6, Tyler 3 and Katie 9.5 months) and it's hard to venture out a lot alone, which is completely normal, so we decided to do it together!!!! I drove to her house and then off in the mini van we went the rest of the way to Ogden, an hour. 

We made it to carters and everything we bought was between 5-7 dollars!!!!We promised the boys a trip to the $ store, Brian got a bat and ball and Tyler a balloon, which Brian popped before we made it to Chick-fil-A.  I stayed in the car and entertained the babies with graham crackers.  I had been craving Chick for a while, so once we finally ordered food and stared eating, we all felt much better and ready for the ride home!!! Overall it was a good trip,  but with two babies, a toddler, and a six year old, you're gonna be tired. 

I only got the babies waiting in the car eating their yummy crackers, and us with our tiredness look after the big adventure!!!!  I wish it would've been more, but oh well I blame the Tired Factor.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Recipes to Try.....Califlower Pasta

I might not post a new recipe every week but that's the goal.  I love trying different recipes or creating my own spin on things.  This pasta is so yummy, I eat it for lunch quite often.  Don't let the Cauliflower scare you off!!!! It's a really healthy but yummy meal.  Just typing this out I want to go make it!!!! Try it and let me know.

Spicy Cauliflower Pasta

12 oz linguine (any pasta will work)
1 large head cauliflower, roughly chopped (about 3 cups)
2Tbs. extra virgin olive oil, (more if needed)
2-3 cloves garlic, diced
1 fresno chili, finely chopped
2-3 Tbs. Italian seasoned bread crumbs
1/3 c. Pasta water (reserve some of the water from cooking the pasta)
Parmesan cheese (I sprinkle it on till I have the amount I want, about 1/2 c.)
Grilled Chicken Breast (optional) for the men mostly

Cook pasta as directed and steam cauliflower until tender. While the pasta  and cauliflower are cooking heat the oil and saute the garlic and chili.  Stir in the bread crumbs and turn the heat down to med-low.  Mix in the cauliflower and add the pasta.  Only add enough pasta water to mix everything together so it's not dry.  Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese over the pasta...at this point you may need to add a bit more pasta water so that everything mixes together smoothly. 

If I'm making this for both Allen and I , I make the chicken, if it it's just myself, I usually omit it...

Grill up a few chicken breasts, thinnly slice, and place it atop the pasta.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Yet another month.....8 to be exact!!!!!

Addison is 8 months old today.

I tell ya when 8 months hit my baby became clingy!!!  I know they say this is a stage but can it be over yet (teething doesn't help this process)?????  I can't leave the room without her crying,  I can't leave her in her high chair very long, she doesn't let people she doesn't know hold her very long which I still push, she gets more distracted when she's eating...she's still a good eater it just takes longer than 5 minutes to be done...mom was GETTING SPOILED, her naps went from 2 hrs to 1.5 just like that (I knew that one was coming just not wanting it), and with all that she still gets cuter and cuter by the day!!!!  How is that possible....I tell ya!!!!

8 Month pictures we not as easy this time around.  We had crying in a lot of them...and only a few half smiles this time.  She is laughing and grunting and trying to do what mommy does.  She wants everything I have.  Anything new she wants...pots and pans when I'm washing dishes, her new tooth brush, water bottles....no need to buy toys here!!!!

We love books.  In her pile of toys that's the first thing she goes for.  Cousin Bri was reading her a book with soft pages and she sure got one of them. We have to use cardboard books for now.  She is a spunky little one already.

We tried egg yolks for the first time and she likes them but didn't devour them like she did yogurt.  She eats anything I give her, but peaches are her favorite.  I will give her some cut up bananas and peaches and she will pick out all the peaches.  So I have to give her the bananas first then the peaches and that goes with everything.  Peaches are last and she will still eat every one!!!!  It is the cutest thing. 

Having a girl is so much fun!!!!  We decided to get some practice in for the summer and mommy wanted to see what we were up against.  It definitely wasn't an easy task!!!!  She kicks her feet non stop, and wiggles all over the place.  Lets just say the first paint job wasn't horrible but didn't look too good either.  I though I got the quick dry polish, but we need to find the dry in a minute that actually works.  But what cute widdle toes!!!!

Addison is so close to crawling or scooting.  She gets on her knees but then uses that move to roll over.  We have really been working on it and our goal is by 9 moths...but she may have other plans...so we hope!!!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jimmer Fever......Not me!!!!

I think all this Jimmer talk is gonna make me sick!!!!!! 
He is a great player for his age but let's not let his head get to big to fast.  We're beating a dead horse here!!!!!
He's been played up enough to where he might not come through and then his spirit might break.   Let's keep him a bit humble people, yes you're at fault not him!!!  I know it's BYU's big break AND ALL but their gonna blow it...they always do and if they don't MIRACLE!!!!!!!

(I know I'm gonna catch crap for this....that's why I postED it here and not on face-book!!)
  JUST SAYING.................

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I LOVE IT WHEN.............

 I am getting Addison dressed and she tries to eat everything especially her shoes.


I get to watch her develop and grow.  She is playing with her toys and I know pretty soon she is going to be crawling all over!!!!

We are almost home from running errands and she falls asleep before I can lay her down, but I can't help but think how cute she is. 

The mommy's girl thing kicks in sometimes and all she wants is to be with me every minute.  I don't always have to be holding her, she just needs to be really close.  On fast Sunday I get to get her dressed and do her hair (every other Sundays I go to choir while she takes a nap then Daddy gets her ready). 

I made bread the other day and she didn't want to sit in her highchair, but on the counter right by where I was working!  Her new thing is she wants to sit on the desk when I'm on the computer.  It's okay with me cause I can get something done just a bit faster even though she tries to be involved in everything mommy is doing.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh my Goodness........Allen!!!

I have never seen a kidney stone before in my life.  Gross is all I have to say!!!!!

Allen is prone to Kidney Stones...he has already passed several in his adult life but  has been fighting another one for over a year....meaning he has been in pain for most of that time.  That darn thing!!!  Poor guy, I don't have any idea what that's feels like.  They say it's the male version of having a baby!!!  I think if I had to endure even a little pain from having addie for over a year, I COULDN'T.

We were suppose to go home over the weekend, but the darn kidney stone started really acting up and causing lots of pain.  We decided to stay home and relax to try to pass it.  With a lot of prayer, seriously, and pain over the last few days, IT'S OUT!!!!!!!!  HURRAY!!!!!!!

We now know why it hasn't passed.  It was huge...over 10millimeters.  Allen said he has never had one over about 5.