Addie and Sierra played with toys, which was really fun. I did the big girls hair, and Allen shot a lot of rock chucks and one truck mirror!!! (I'm glad it was him and not me!!)
Two years ago memorial weekend, right before we were married, we went to Shoshone Falls because I had never been there. It was beautiful. The run-off was so much and I thought it compared to Niagara, REALLY!! I wanted to go this year and take Addison. It was cold, and rainy, but after we got there and were about to leave the sun came out for just a bit and made it all worth it.

When we got home and I was showing Allen the pictures from this time and then I showed him the pictures from when we went last time. He said, "what happened to those young shinny good looking people." "Marriage and a baby", I said. Usually that reaction happens a few more years down the road, but Allen and I got started a little later in life. I've vowed though, I'm getting into shape and going to fit into my pre-baby cloths before summer is over...this is ridiculous!!!!

2011-It really is all worth it, look at that cute little girl of ours!!!
No matter your age or weight, you're still a good looking couple! And you made a cute baby, too!