I'm so glad that everyday Addison loves books more and more. I will hand her one in the car and she will sit and read it. Same as she's doing here, reading it by herself. Of course it's always more fun when mommy reads them, but then that is all we would do all day long!!!
We sure do love baths. I'm afraid the older she gets the harder it's going to be to pull her out of the Tub!!
She loves to try and put mommies shoes on. It's so cute to watch her try to put her own shoes and cloths on when she finds them. She is a smart little girl.
She sure loves her daddy. Sunday morning are his!!! Doesn't he look awake...it's good for him.
We really do have a happy baby on our hands. It's so funny cause at times she reminds me she still has a set of lungs on her!
These TWO PICTURES make me realize my baby is growing up. As all you mothers out there know, its a bitter sweet feeling.
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