April 1, 2012 (I guess we got an April Fools baby after all)
Weight: 7 pounds
Length: 21 inches long
Head: 12 inches around
Wow, I'm finally writing about this sweet little girls Arrival. Tomorrow it will have been two weeks since Olivia was born. I have to say this round was so much better compared to the last time. Okay as good as birthing a baby can be!!!!
On Wednesday I started having some good contractions. They got to the point (about 10 minutes apart) where I almost called Allen and told him to meet me at the hospital. Well they stopped as I was trying to find someone to watch Addison. My mom got here Wednesday night so I was really hoping this girl would come before the weekend was over. I went to the Doctor on Thursday and I was dilated to almost a 5. He told me that this baby was going to come any time. I asked him what if she didn't, would he induce me? He said he didn't think that would be a problem cause he was on call at the hospital Saturday and Sunday. Friday I had contractions all day and as they started to get close about 10 min again they stopped. Okay, this was getting annoying, were my thoughts. Saturday nothing and then later that evening Contractions started up again and were staying about 20 minutes apart. I called Dr. West and he said to come in around 6am if nothing progressed and he would finish me. I think our little Olivia needed a push to leave her nice warm home.
Well nothing was progressing fast to say the least, so we headed to the hospital a little after 6am. I was dilated to a 5 already so they wanted to get me in a steady rhythm before giving me an epidural. They started me on pitocin around 10am. Around 1pm I told them I was ready for the epidural. By 4pm I was at a 10. My epidural was working really good. That was one thing I told them coming into this labor...that it better not wear off like THEY LET IT the last time. I sat there and watched while my doctor suited up, the nurses got everything ready for babies arrival, then we were ready to push. Pushed for about 15 minutes and she was here at 4:47pm!!!! She had some battle wounds when she came out but by the time we took her home they were almost gone. I didn't tear or have to have any stitches but I threw up twice before the day was over. I guess it was just the after effects. I didn't feel like I was in shock after having her because the epidural worked great. I needed a birth like this so I would consider having another one. Allen and I enjoyed her for an hour before both Grandma Strickland, Addison, Gammy and Pops came to visit. I'm so grateful for a healthy perfect baby girl.

Soooo glad you had a good birth. The epidural is a lifesaver. Your 3rd birth will be even easier. I'm glad you wrote this down. I love reading birth stories.