Trying on hats is so much fun. Just another day in the life of a mom and two girlsIt has sure been a lot of fun around her having two girls. Allen is feeling outnumbered, but he sure loves his girls too!!! Addie is looking so big and Livi is growing and changing. I don't know it longating is a word but I think Livi is growing into her baby chub and it's making her look older too.
I think I'm finally getting a few smiles out of this girl.
Asleep and so precious I think
I really wanted Livi's eyes to stay blue like her sister but I think their going to be brown
She is my outdoor girl. We are outside most of the day whether it's in the back yard or able to go to the park she takes what every she can get and then cries sometimes when it's time to come in
It's so fun to see Addie's imagination come to life as she's playing.
Livi is starting to watch the tv, and Addie'll let her sit by her and even if she's not happy with it I insist.
Livi's growing. I had to adjust the straps in the carseat from the lowest to the middle so she would fit
It seems like Addie is re-discovering everything that Livi is using. Sometimes it's cute but then others it's annoying because I just need to put the baby in either the swing or the bumbo and I don't need TWO BABIES CRYING.
This little girl is addicted to otter pops
Livi likes to cuddle and Maggie gets jealous some of the time
Livi has the cutest little look. Right now she's learning to focus and she goes cross eyed sometimes, so when I think of her this is the face I see.
This almost 2 yr old is full of energy. She and I are trying to get through this already terrible two stage. She is a good girl but has her moments and I just have to remind myself I have those same moments.