Monday, June 4, 2012

Olivia's Big Weekend (Blessing)

It seem like we just did a weekend like this, but it was almost 2 years ago when we blessed Addison.  Well it was Olivia's turn and we could have any less fun!!  My family came up, we went on the boat, sat around and caught up, blessed the baby on Sunday, and had a family dinner Sunday Afternoon.  It was a very enjoyable Weekend.......

A few things that I remeber most from Olivia's blessing were,
Allen told her she was blessed to have a strong spirit and people would be drawn to her, and that she would be an example to those people. He blessed her that if she would stay strong in the gospel and follow that strong spirit that heavenly father blessed her with, she would have many blessing throughout her life. He admonished her to always remember those gifts and be an example no matter the circumstances.
I am so thankful for a right priesthood holder that can bless our children by the spirit.  Later on that day I asked if he remembered what he had said in the blessing and he said not really, that the spirit was the one doing the talking, and I needed to inform him so I did.  I know Olivia is strong and she will bless a lot of people in her lifetime.  .


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