Look at these faces. Well they melt my heart, and I can't imagine life without them, but that doesn't mean that my patience isn't tried. We all have hard days, right??. I get overwhelmed at how some days play out. I strive to be the best mom I can everyday but it's so hard to never get frustrated, tired or act just like your 2 year old (throwing a fit and all). I want to be the best mom and a great example of love and compassion and never loose it. Let's face it, I can't do it alone but with Heavenly Fathers help I sure can!!! I need to remember to call on him more during the day for help when I find myself like in these kind of situations.
I read this on a blog I follow and it was the inspiration I needed after a hard day. (I am not the only one trying to figure this out) and that always makes me feel better. Today was a rough one. Addie cried at the drop of a hat today. Livi had a rough day nursing. Both babies were crying together a lot today. Crying drains me emotionally and physically. It's nice to be reminded where my focus need to be...Thank you Whitney for your post
"Tonight was a rocky one! It was a very noisy/emotional night at the Vrska's. At one point I had Kingston at one end of the house screaming and Taelee at the other crying that she wanted to get out of ACT (attitude change time). It was one of those nights that had me wondering if I am doing anything right as a mother?! Taelee had a melt down over something so small, and it quickly escalated when I put her into timeout. I turned on "If the Savior Stood Beside Me", and then went back to her after a few minutes. Aha moment number one, I knelt down by Taelee and asked her to say a prayer to invite the spirit back into her heart. Kingston heard the word "pray" and quickly dropped what he was doing and knelt down beside me and folded his arms. How grateful I was for that sweet boy and the effect of peaceful music at that moment! Aha moment number two came when I was kissing Taelee good night. She said, "Mom, why do we cry?" I gave a simple answer, when we get upset or are sad. She interrupted me and said, "No Mom, why do we cry?" She wanted the scientific reason of why we cry. Tonight I remembered how analytical her little brain is. I am so grateful for my little sponge of knowledge, and because of that It is my responsibility to teach her all the good I know! I am grateful to be a mother. I am grateful for the push that it gives me to be a better person and to do a little better every day."
It really helps me when I know I'm not the only one that has hard days.
Is it always easy? NO! Is it worth it? YES! There really is nothing better in the world than being a mom!!!!!
3 years ago
Perspective goes a long way, doesn't it? Don't beat yourself up about having a bad day sometimes. We feel so much pressure to be perfect mothers that we don't feel like we're allowed to be frustrated at times. We are! That's part of the journey. Feeling frustration allows me to better appreciate the joy. You're an amazing mother. I love seeing pics of the girls and hearing about your days with them.