Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Emmry at 9 Months

 Weight: 14 pounds 4 ounces
Height: 26 1/2 inches 
Head: 17 

Oh my goodness time is going so fast. 9 months, I can't believe you are here! We have weighed you on the scale at home and I figured you were around 15 pounds but I figured you would be no different than your sisters and be small. You were alittle smaller than I thought and the doctor was concerned but I told him that all my babies were their smallest from 9 months to a year and not to worry. 

I have tried to give you extra milk but you still will have nothing to do with a bottle and a binky is still a no go! You are loving solid foods. The last month we have been doing baby food along with some food that mommy or daddy is eating. Upon reaching the 9 month mark you want everything that anybody else has. Yesterday at Livi's field trip to Geronimo's we had ice cream and mommy gave you a bite...I know I shocked myself.  You were being very insistent and as soon as you got it you were happy😉. 

You have been a really good sleeper until this week. You go to bed around 7:30 and wake up around 6 6:30 ish. Nurse and then eat breakfast around 9 or 9:30 then you want to nurse again before your nap between 9:30 and 10. You sleep between 1 and a half to two hours. Get up and nurse and sometimes you have a foot pouch but mostly nurse again before you go down for a nap again between 1:30 and 2. You nurse when you wake up and usually eat 2 food pouches and fruit. Mommy has been trying to feed you dinner at 630 so you can nurse at 7 and you have to wait to see daddy to go to sleep. 

This week has been hard because we have been running around and having things to do. It really is mommy a fault you haven't been taking good naps and waking up at 530am again to eat. You have to stop this but mommy needs to stay home and let you nap properly and then we wouldn't have any troubles. Next week we will crack down again. Summer is going to be hard

You have been up to a lot of things and you are such a joy in our lives:

  • Eating almost everything mommy and daddy have
  • You love yogurt melts and your sisters love to feed you and eat them too. 
  • You know when we try to FaceTime daddy...you know what the beeping is and if he doesn't answer or you don't see him you get really upset and cry. Daddy has had to call just to talk to you
  • You are sitting up great and love to dump out all your toys while playing
  • You love to laugh and it has become a deep laugh that makes everyone who eats it so happy
  • You are starting to cry alittle when you know mommy or daddy aren't holding you
  • We brought up your high hair and you have loved sitting in it. You still sit in the bumboo on the table too
  • On Livvy's birthday she got a new bed and we moved you to the crib. It's been great
  • Church has been alittle better the last few weeks. I usually can make it through sacrament meeting with a food pouch, Cheerios and yogurt melts. 
  • Your hair is growing and you have the bluest eyes. They go perfectly with your little chubby cheeks. Don't worry you got those from addi
  • I know when you want to nurse because you have this cute little cry that's saying come on mommy it's time for milk. 

 This picture show your cute little look and personality

 I used this picture for my first insta story. It was pretty cute and everyone loved it

 You loved Easter with your sisters. The eggs entertained you for an hour

 This mommy loves you so much and am so excited to hold you and cuddle you as long as possible. You are so sweet and mellow. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Emmry @ 7 months

  Wow little lady , you look older this month! It is going to fast. You are suck a happy go lucky baby. Unless you're hungry or tired, you are content to sit in the bumboo and watch mommy or your sisters. Tummy time is still a no go. You don't like to be on the floor and when mommy does put you on your tummy and you roll over...you start to cry cause you don't like it! 

What you've been up to:
  • Starting to love your cereal and squash. We tried bananas and you weren't to sure about them but I'm sure the next time you'll love them!
  • You are grawling and grunting. It's pretty cute
  • You love to get scared. You laugh every time
  • I put all your toys in a bucket just like I've done with both your sisters and you love it. Pretty soon you will be dumping it out
  • Gave you a soppy cup of water last week and you love it. You bite the top to get the water out. Still no sucking but I think you will give in soon and try it. 
  • I think the binky is a no go for you even though I wish you would take one. It would help a lot in church and falling asleep for naps. 
You still let mommy cuddle you. I take advantage of it because I know it won't last to much longer!

You're not sitting yet but we have been working on it and I think you'll get it in the next week or so. 

You and Henry are going to be such good friends. He is still double your size but you both are so cute together

You had your first cold last week. We're feeling a lot better but got into a few bad habits that are turning out hard to break. Mommy would rock you to sleep. And this week having to put yourself to sleep hasn't been fun! You are just so cute mommy isn't mad at all. But I'm having to have to crack down so you stay a good sleeper. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Emmry @ 6 Months

Weight: 13 pounds
Height: 25 1/2 inches long
Head: 16 inches around

I can't believe how fast 6 months have gone. This little baby girl has brought so much joy into our home. We waited and waited for you sweet Emmry and now can I just get it to slow down a little??!!  We went to see Doctor West a week ago the 12th, your half birthday!  You have been up to so many thing. It makes me so happy and sad at the same time if that's possible. 
  • This little lady is so happy in the mornings when she wakes up. I hear her talking and cooing. When I go in to get her she has the biggest smiles and I just want to eat her up. 
  • We've tried cereal and some squash and sweet potatoes. She eats it a little but it takes her a few times to swallow a bite. Not really interested or mommy isn't pushing it like I should. 
  • She still won't take a binky. I've tried it a few times lately to see if she wants it because of her finding her voice and it's kinda high pitched. It would be nice for soothing her at church or places that I have to stay sitting. 
  • She can roll from her tummy to her back but she doesn't like to. Really has only done it a few times. She cries after she rolls and before too. 
  • Emmy loves her fingers. Usually she has her pointer and middle fingers in her mouth sucking on them most of the time
  • She can hear when her daddy gets home. I'm usually feeding her and when he comes in the door and says something she perks up. She usually unmatched to see where he is. 
  • Loves sitting in her bumboo so she can see everything. Just like with Livvy, it's a life saver at dinner time or any time mommy has to get something done. 
  • Still wearing 0-3 month cloths. We got a few 3-6 months for Christmas and have been trying them. Still a little big
  • Lies to kick. Allen says she trying to run somewhere laying down. It's so true! Sure love this Little bug
  • She has found her voice. Most of the time it's so cute with all her cooing and talking. But it's already starting...the high pitched scream. I think out of all of them she screeches the loudest. I think part of that we don't have anything to shove in her mouth.  I try the palm of my thumb.  It helps sometimes. 
  • She loves playing with her pink monkey stick and the blue puppy. Oh course she tries to eat them. 
Her schedule right now:
Wakes up between 8 and 8:30 usually and nurses. 
Naps around 10. In the last 2 weeks it's been around 1030 because she wants to nurse again. 
Most of the time she naps till around noon and nurses. Sometimes she will sleep past 1pm. If she sleeps till noon i put her back down around 2-2:30ish and nurse her right before. She'll sleep till about 4-4:30 ish. If she ends up taking her long nap in the morning and sleeps past 1pm I will nurse her when she wakes up and I usually put her down for a short nap around 3:30. (This happened once or twice a week)
I nurse her when she wakes up from that short nap around 5.  We get ready for bed about 6:30. I nurse her yet again and she's in bed between 7 and 7:30. Most of the time she wakes up between 4:30 and 5:30am to nurse and goes back to sleep until she wakes. In the last 6 weeks since we've been on this schedule she occasionally (once sometimes twice a week) wakes up between 2:30 and 3:30. I think this happened because she really isn't eating solids in a regular basis yet. She just doesn't gobble them up and it takes 5 times to get her to swallow the bite so we need to focus on that!!

The girls love her so much and are such big helpers. They are getting really good at whispering when she's asleep. I know I should have it be normal activities while she sleeps but since Addi and Livvy don't really nap anymore I use it as a quiet time for everyone. I think she is becoming more aware of strangers. I'll give it another month before she won't let others hold her. I'm glad she is taking her time growing and trying to do new things to quickly because I need her to stay a baby just a little longer. Sure love you Emmry Rose!!