This last week Allen had a three day weekend so we decided to visit Grandma. She was feeling a bit lonely. Allen's sister Connie finished there house and moved out two weeks ago after having lived with Sandra for nearly 3 years. We also surprised them with a few TV's.
We had a really good time. Addison had her first gerber biter biscuits (which she loved), a bath in grandma's big tub, and she was able to show off her rolling abilities to everyone(which aren't very good, but she can do it).
Grandma gave her a noisy treat that she wouldn't stop playing with. She also loves books. It started with the hymn books at church, so I had to get her a few cardboard books so she couldn't rip the pages
We went up on Saturday to mount the TV's and visit . I I love Connie's Kitchen and I'm so glad she did an accent wall because it helped blend the colors together.

Addison really liked the biscuit. It got all over her and if if I would have know how messy it was going to be....maybe we wouldn't have taken the whole box from Connie. (even though she told us)
I got a video of this little girl having a really great time in grandma's tub (swimming pool), but we didn't want to show everything off. She was kicking, waving her arms and splashing galore. It was hilarious!!!
On Sunday morning we woke up and Addison has scratched herself right by her eye. I was so sad. Church was at 11am so we played around a little. Addison tried sitting on the dragon. She's not quite ready for it yet. Later everyone came over and had dinner.

Is it me or does she look like Kallie?! She is too cute. Those biscuits definitely get everywhere, gotta make sure you have several wipes handy or a bath tub ready.