Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back in the Day!!!!

Whenever I start to feel fall in the air, which is normally right around September, memories flood back of my college days.  The crisp air, liking school because you're not to far into the semester (not much has happened yet), photography, cooking, and having to go to Spanish class (even though I speak spanish, I didn't like this part of the schedule!!!)  I miss it (college) only until someone says they have a big test to study for or have a lot of homework.  I don't miss that one bit!!!! 

I graduated in Business, but I have an associates in culinary arts, and photography.....spanish didn't quite make it.   I was just looking at some of my photo's and decided I needed to start seriously practicing again.

I love Black and White Photography.  This is one of my all-time favorites.  I took this my last semester.

Here are a few more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I designed this, pretty cool huh......

I love sunsets, and I have quite a few, but this one sticks out to me because of the lighting. 

As for the cooking part of things, I have a lot of recipes that I can share, and will when I have a bit more time to type them out, but this is one of my favorites............

2-1 LB Pork Tenderloins
2 Lg. Cloves of Garlic
1 Med. Onion
24oz Zesty Italian Dressing (I substituted this into the recipe so it wouldn't take as much time...i make my own sauce)
3 C. Water    (add chopped tomato and some peppers if desired)

*This recipe works better in the Crock Pot

Cut the garlic lengthwise and onion into big pieces. Place pork and dressing in a bad with the chopped onions and garlic. Marinate over night or as long as possible. Place Marinated pork and liquid in Crock pot and cook on low 5-6 hours.  When done, cut pork or shred.  
2 14oz can Beef Broth
2 10oz can Beef Consomme
2 c. Long grain white rice

Preheat oven to 350. Combine broth and consomme, then rice in an oven safe container with a lid. Bake 45 minutes or until rice is light and fluffy.\

Place a scoop of rice on plate, place pork atop, drizzle with sauce.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SiX wEeKs ToDaY !!!

I know that Six weeks isn't a mile stone, but it is for the Mom!!!!!!  Six weeks ago I had a baby, which by the way if you don't know HARD STUFF......but worth it when you come to your senses ( when you're healed and getting a bit more sleep) I would do it again in a heartbeat.  

We are so happy to have Addison as part of our family.  She is a keeper...and a cutie.  I ventured out to the mall today, and everyone let me know how cute she is.  So I'm not completely bias. (just to let you know when I write this,  I try to be funny, and then I laugh...so laugh)

MY BEAUTIFUL GIRL....we love her so much!!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Unexpected Fire

Well, we had an unexpected event happen today.  A Transformer sparked on a power poll today and started a fire right in the middle of open brush, and the wind was blowing....can anyone say gasoline!!!!!

That is the closest I've come to a fire I wasn't expecting.  We burned weeds at home growing up all the time.  We even burned all the branches from pruning one year and the fire department came cause they thought it was a house burning.  That was funny.  THIS WAS NOT.  It's different when the fire is flaming out of control and headed for your property.

Luckily the fire trucks came and the professionals took care of the problem.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Addie (PicTuRe UpDaTe)

Seems like everyday I have some more pictures of my sweet girl.  I just wanted to share those.  I can't find my good camera, so the cheap camera will just have to do for now....at least I'm still taking pictures with bad quality.  Most Photographers wouldn't hear of that.  I'M TRYING TO BE OVER IT FOR NOW!!!!!!

Mommy and me.  We don't have very many of these...so we take what we get.

We have a happy baby.  (most of the time)

Daddy likes to calm me down in the evening during my fussy time.

Gammy (my mom) says Addie inherited this look from me.  Okay, I can't disagree.


I love working in the yard, but this year with being pregnant and then having a newborn, I wasn't able to do much.  I did however plant some flowers in the front; they sprouted up and now I'm enjoying them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WhAt wE'vE BeEn Up tO

Grandma Strickland came to visit for the weekend.  She says that Addie is changing so much. This little girl is definitely getting her own little look and personality. 


 Addie and her binky.  She loves it so much.........

....maybe to much but it helps her be happy.  Sometimes she is so grumpy, so the binky makes her happy.


 Addie wakes up in the morning with crazy hair.  Gammy (my mom) says that she comes by it naturally...I was the same way, she had to wet it every morning.  

I love when daddy holds me. 

Addison is a very sweet baby.  She loves to be held and when she is, she looks around bright eyed and very happy.  Mommy sure loves when this cutie takes a little nap so she can get things done.  So cute!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BeAr LaKe

Today Addie is a month old.  The time has gone by now that I can look back.  I am feeling ten times better and the little lady is growing and developing quite a cure personality.  I love her to death and couldn't imagine our lives without her.

We ventured out this last weekend to Bear Lake.  I wasn't sure how I was going to do or how Addie was going to do away from home and on the boat.....WELL, now that were back I can say it was good to get away.  It was windy so the water was really choppy and there were a lot of cloud clusters so the sun would only show it's face sometimes, but it was still enjoyable.  I was really good to get away.  Traveling was pretty good for the most part, the little lady slept most of the time.  It was really good to be on the boat for the day, get some fresh air and be around activities.  I kept Addie covered with a blanket and she slept most of the day.  

It was worth venturing out!!!!

I wish I could take the blue water from bear lake and transplant it into American Falls reservoir.  Wishful thinking, I know!!!

This is Allen's first time in the water this year.....unheard of, but we've had a lot going on this summer!!!!!

He is a bit out of shape thanks to his wife that takes all his time.....he has less time to work out....and go wake boarding almost every night like he use to

We had some monkeys on the boat, don't worry Allen was right under them so they wouldn't fall.  

Addie was pretty tired when we got back.  Bree took really good care of her.  She wants to babysit so bad.  I told her in a few years...ha ha

Me and Mommy

I need someone around to help me get pictures of me and Addie, but sometimes Daddy is on it and we get a few.  I now have 3 pictures with the little one. 

She is starting to look around more, make a few more noises and smile.  She is developing her personality, which is so cute.  She is also starting a growth spurt and that hasn't been so cute.  I'm a bit more tired and grumpy with less sleep, but LIFE IS GOOD AND WE LOVE OUR LITTLE GIRL

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bath Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ADDISON loves bath time.  It has been my experience with babies that either they are screaming at the top of there lungs or that the bath relaxes them.  WELL, I got lucky!!!

She is so cute.  She almost falls asleep when I'm holding her in the warm water.  Her body is already flimsy, but the warm water makes her relax.  I love being her mom and experiencing this new kind of love.  I just want to kiss those cute cheeks all the time.

Addie is clean and happy.  Look at all that curly hair....she takes after her momma!!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Three Weeks Today....I really can Believe.....

Today Addison is 3 weeks old. She is already growing and changing.  I always claimed she was going to be a stubborn little lady.....and she is.  I guess all babies fight going to sleep to a point, but this week in particular has been very tiring to say the least.  When she gets mad, she swats her binky and it goes flying.  Allen has a calming effect on her when I've just about lost my patience.

Things little Addison is up too.............

-she tries to follow my voice
-starting to make noises
-loves her daddy...
- her fingers must taste like candy because she always wants to eat them. (she is trying to suck her thumb, so I stick the binky in her mouth  instead)

Mom....my head is to small for this, I look like a rooster!!!!

Much better choice of a flower, in a year or two we can try the gigantic ones.......

Addie's first stroller ride, she sleeps really good in it....its just the right angle.