Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Three Weeks Today....I really can Believe.....

Today Addison is 3 weeks old. She is already growing and changing.  I always claimed she was going to be a stubborn little lady.....and she is.  I guess all babies fight going to sleep to a point, but this week in particular has been very tiring to say the least.  When she gets mad, she swats her binky and it goes flying.  Allen has a calming effect on her when I've just about lost my patience.

Things little Addison is up too.............

-she tries to follow my voice
-starting to make noises
-loves her daddy...
- her fingers must taste like candy because she always wants to eat them. (she is trying to suck her thumb, so I stick the binky in her mouth  instead)

Mom....my head is to small for this, I look like a rooster!!!!

Much better choice of a flower, in a year or two we can try the gigantic ones.......

Addie's first stroller ride, she sleeps really good in it....its just the right angle.


  1. You guys, she is so beautiful! Congrats!

  2. She is too Cute!! Love all the pictures! I will have to send you some of that fabric you like, it is super cute!

  3. I hope Addison starts sleeping better for you. She looks cute in those flower headbands you made her!

  4. Lindsay I don't think it's a bad thing putting bows on her head that big. I use to do it with Peyton when she was that tiny. By the way addie is stinkin cute. Congrats on bein a mom.
