Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BeAr LaKe

Today Addie is a month old.  The time has gone by now that I can look back.  I am feeling ten times better and the little lady is growing and developing quite a cure personality.  I love her to death and couldn't imagine our lives without her.

We ventured out this last weekend to Bear Lake.  I wasn't sure how I was going to do or how Addie was going to do away from home and on the boat.....WELL, now that were back I can say it was good to get away.  It was windy so the water was really choppy and there were a lot of cloud clusters so the sun would only show it's face sometimes, but it was still enjoyable.  I was really good to get away.  Traveling was pretty good for the most part, the little lady slept most of the time.  It was really good to be on the boat for the day, get some fresh air and be around activities.  I kept Addie covered with a blanket and she slept most of the day.  

It was worth venturing out!!!!

I wish I could take the blue water from bear lake and transplant it into American Falls reservoir.  Wishful thinking, I know!!!

This is Allen's first time in the water this year.....unheard of, but we've had a lot going on this summer!!!!!

He is a bit out of shape thanks to his wife that takes all his time.....he has less time to work out....and go wake boarding almost every night like he use to

We had some monkeys on the boat, don't worry Allen was right under them so they wouldn't fall.  

Addie was pretty tired when we got back.  Bree took really good care of her.  She wants to babysit so bad.  I told her in a few years...ha ha

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