Monday, January 10, 2011

REcap oF 2010

I never thought we would get to 2005 let a lone 2011.  I graduated from high school in 2000...holy crap that was almost 11 years ago.  Time really does fly when you look back, doesn't it.  I am really going to try to recap 2010...so here goes......

Went to my first pregnancy doctors appointment...confirmed I was pregnant
Doctor thought we might be having twins
--wondering if I will ever feel normal again???--

Had my first ultrasound, no twins, but it's a GIRL!!!!
Started blogging (or journal-ing)...to take my mind off my uncomfortableness and now I really enjoy it
Todd, my brother ended his first transfer in the mission field
I'm feeling sick, like it's my first month of being pregnant still

Definitely not a feel good month...morning and night sick and two ovarian cysts acting up
Had another ultrasound 
Spent a lot of time making baby blankets for me and my friends who were expecting

Finished the babies room
Installed a puppy ramp and door out the garage...best thing we ever did
Took a trip to utah to celebrate my brother Blake's byu graduation
Had another ultrasound, those darn cysts

The 2 busies months of the year and most done while being 8 months pregnant

Allen went to San Antonio and experienced the river walk and Alamo for the first time
I went to Utah to visit Kami and do a friends hair for her wedding in salt lake at 32 weeks pregnant...I'm crazy
Traveled to Gooding for Memorial Day

Planned Relief Society meetings for the rest of the year
Took another trip to Utah to attend a sealing for some friends
Baby showers...and a trip to the hospital because of contractions, false alarm
And yet another ultrasound...this is getting spendy

Traveled to Gooding for the 4th even though I shouldn't have considering by baby was born 10 days later
Addison was born on the 14th...mommy was out of it the rest of the month

We went to Bear lake...Addie is 3 1/2 weeks (Looking back I was a brave soul, but it did me good to get some fresh air)  The baby and I did great!

Blessed our beautiful baby...she is 2 months
Went to Sun Valley for vacation
Allen went to Atlanta for a trade show
Visited family in New Mexico...hadn't been home in 8 months
Had a baby pumpkin for Halloween...she was so cute

Had our first family Photo
Addison met Nanny and Papa for the first time (my moms parent)
Allen got called to the elders quorum

Addie had cereal for the first time
Had our first Christmas as parents, and we loved it

We had a great year full of changes and can't wait to see whats coming our way next!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great year! I still can't believe how fast time flies, even more when you have a kid. Addie is SO cute linds and your family is beautiful. So when is #2 coming?! Teehee
