Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Craziness !!!!

I'm up early every morning, especially Sunday mornings with the occasional exception from Allen .  Why do I always run out of time!!!!  I hate being late....I like to be 10 minutes early...thanks dad!!! Our time changed from 9am to 11:30, that's right 11:30, so I get 30 minutes on top of the 2 hours. That is plenty of time but Rush, Rush, and RUSH.  I guess between getting dinner ready, re-glancing at lessons, getting the baby and myself ready, anyone can see I would run out of time!!!  Some of you might ask, where's Allen"??????? Probably sleeping or wrapping up his Sunday School lesson preparation. This is what happens when you have a growing family....more rushing ahead when more babies come, I'm sure.  Being a mom is wonderful most of the time!!!  Wouldn't trade it. 

I guess it makes for funny pictures!!!!


  1. i used to think that your little precious girl looked like allen alot in the face... but in the more recent pictures im seeing she is mostly farnsworth. haha... she is a doll!!! hope mommy life is treating you good! we missed seeing yout this break!

  2. She is so sweet and tiny Lindsay (then again I have a monster baby). Sunday mornings are crazy for me too. But you're right, being a mom is the best job in the world!!!
