3 years ago
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Livi @ 18 Months
Weight: 22 pounds
Height: 30 1/2 inches
Head: 18 1/2
Foot length: 4.75 inches
Oh my goodness, where to start on this girl. Just to give you an idea of what I mean, she is onry but when she does something naughty, all I want to to is maul her with kisses. She is so stinkin cute it hurts sometimes. She knows just how to push Addisons buttons...we are working on not teasing her big sister.
Out of both my girls I thought for sure Olivia would have no problem going to nursery. She isn't shy or timid for that matter...so I thought. Boy was I wrong. Addie went after a few times by herself. We just start walking there and Livi starts crying. I really need her to go, because with my new calling as primary president, it doesn't really leave me much free time on Sunday! Until she decides it isn't so bad, daddy is suffering through.
Livi started saying a ton of words just in the last week, and some phrases to. Let me see if I can make a list:
I did it
oh no
no, no, no (to the puppy when she barks)
potty (mainly for when I'm going)
For the last week or so, I've been having her keep her binky in her bed and only getting it for naps and bed. She hasn't liked it and has been crankier than usual, but I think she is finally understanding. I might falter and give it back to her as I see she is just about to cut all four of her I teeth??
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
I am a mean mom
I came upon this article and loved it mainly because i agree with every bit of it. We are doing our children a dis-service by giving then whatever they want, not making them give and learn respect and allowing them to rule the roost!! We need to be teachers of good.I'm not actually being mean, just trying to set them up for success because I love then so much. One day they will thank me (hopefully)
Here is the article,
Once, I walked out of the store without giving into my child’s tantrum for a cookie. A woman stopped me in the parking lot and told me I was the best parent in the shopping center. My daughter wasn’t so sure. When your kids tell you you’re mean, take it as a compliment. The rising generation has been called the laziest, rudest, most entitled kids in history. The news stories scare the best of moms. It’s easy to want to throw in the towel with your own kids. After all, don’t we all want to be the cool mom? Don’t give up. They may think you’re mean now, but they’ll thank you later.Here are 12 ways to be the meanest mom in the world:1. Make your kids go to bed at a reasonable time. Is there really anyone who hasn’t heard how important a good night’s rest is to a child’s success? Be the parent and put your kid to bed. No one ever said the kid had to want to go to bed. Now enjoy some quiet me or couple time.2. Don’t give your kids dessert every day. Sweets should be saved for special occasions. That’s what makes them a "treat.” If you give in to your child’s demands for goodies all the time, he won’t appreciate the gesture when someone offers a sweet gift or reward. Plus, imagine the dentist and doctor bills that may result from your over-indulgence.3. Make them pay for their own stuff. If you want something, you have to pay for it. That’s the way adult life works. To get your kids out of your basement in the future, you need to teach your children now that the gadgets, movies, video games, sports teams and camps they enjoy have a price. If they have to pay part of that price, they’ll appreciate it more. You may also avoid paying for something your child only wants until he has it. If he’s not willing to go half with you, he probably doesn’t want it that badly.4. Don’t pull strings. Some kids get a rude awakening when they get a job and realize that the rules actually do apply to them. They have to come on time and do what the boss wants. And, (gasp!) part of the job they don’t even like. If you don’t like your child’s teacher, science partner, position on the soccer field or placement of the bus stop, avoid the temptation to make a stink or pull strings until he gets his preference. You are robbing your child of the chance to make the best of a difficult situation. Dealing with less-than-ideal circumstance is something she will have to do most of her adult life. If children never learn to handle it, you’re setting them up for failure.5. Make them do hard things.Don’t automatically step-in and take over when things get hard. Nothing gives your kids a bigger self-confidence boost than sticking to it and accomplishing something difficult.6. Give them a watch and an alarm clock. Your child will be better off if he learns the responsibility of managing his own time. You’re not always going to be there to remind her to turn off the TV and get ready to go.7. Don’t always buy the latest and greatest. Teach your children gratitude for, and satisfaction with, the things they have. Always worrying about the next big thing and who already has it will lead to a lifetime of debt and unhappiness.8. Let them feel loss. If your child breaks a toy, don’t replace it. He’ll learn a valuable lesson about taking care of his stuff. If your child forgets to turn in homework, let him take the lower grade or make him work out extra credit with his teacher himself. You are teaching responsibility — who doesn’t want responsible kids? They can help remind you of all the things you forget to do.9. Control media. If all the other parents let their child jump off a bridge, would you? Don’t let your kids watch a show or play a video game that is inappropriate for children just because all their friends have done it. If you stand up for decent parenting, others may follow. Create some positive peer pressure.10. Make them apologize. If your child does something wrong, make her fess up and face the consequences. Don’t brush rudeness, bullying or dishonesty under the rug. If you mess up, set the example and eat your humble pie.11. Mind their manners. Even small children can learn the basics of how to treat another human with respect and dignity. By making politeness a habit, you’ll be doing your kids a huge favor. Good manners go a long way toward getting someone what they want. We’ve all heard the saying, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."12. Make them work — for free. Whether it’s helping Grandma in the garden or volunteering to tutor younger kids, make service a part of your child’s life. It teaches them to look outside themselves and realize that other people have needs and problems, too — sometimes greater than their own.With all the time you spend being mean, don’t forget to praise and reward your children for their stellar behavior. And always, make sure they know you love them. With a little luck, your kids can turn the tide and make their generation one known for its hope and promise.
Here is the article,
Once, I walked out of the store without giving into my child’s tantrum for a cookie. A woman stopped me in the parking lot and told me I was the best parent in the shopping center. My daughter wasn’t so sure. When your kids tell you you’re mean, take it as a compliment. The rising generation has been called the laziest, rudest, most entitled kids in history. The news stories scare the best of moms. It’s easy to want to throw in the towel with your own kids. After all, don’t we all want to be the cool mom? Don’t give up. They may think you’re mean now, but they’ll thank you later.Here are 12 ways to be the meanest mom in the world:1. Make your kids go to bed at a reasonable time. Is there really anyone who hasn’t heard how important a good night’s rest is to a child’s success? Be the parent and put your kid to bed. No one ever said the kid had to want to go to bed. Now enjoy some quiet me or couple time.2. Don’t give your kids dessert every day. Sweets should be saved for special occasions. That’s what makes them a "treat.” If you give in to your child’s demands for goodies all the time, he won’t appreciate the gesture when someone offers a sweet gift or reward. Plus, imagine the dentist and doctor bills that may result from your over-indulgence.3. Make them pay for their own stuff. If you want something, you have to pay for it. That’s the way adult life works. To get your kids out of your basement in the future, you need to teach your children now that the gadgets, movies, video games, sports teams and camps they enjoy have a price. If they have to pay part of that price, they’ll appreciate it more. You may also avoid paying for something your child only wants until he has it. If he’s not willing to go half with you, he probably doesn’t want it that badly.4. Don’t pull strings. Some kids get a rude awakening when they get a job and realize that the rules actually do apply to them. They have to come on time and do what the boss wants. And, (gasp!) part of the job they don’t even like. If you don’t like your child’s teacher, science partner, position on the soccer field or placement of the bus stop, avoid the temptation to make a stink or pull strings until he gets his preference. You are robbing your child of the chance to make the best of a difficult situation. Dealing with less-than-ideal circumstance is something she will have to do most of her adult life. If children never learn to handle it, you’re setting them up for failure.5. Make them do hard things.Don’t automatically step-in and take over when things get hard. Nothing gives your kids a bigger self-confidence boost than sticking to it and accomplishing something difficult.6. Give them a watch and an alarm clock. Your child will be better off if he learns the responsibility of managing his own time. You’re not always going to be there to remind her to turn off the TV and get ready to go.7. Don’t always buy the latest and greatest. Teach your children gratitude for, and satisfaction with, the things they have. Always worrying about the next big thing and who already has it will lead to a lifetime of debt and unhappiness.8. Let them feel loss. If your child breaks a toy, don’t replace it. He’ll learn a valuable lesson about taking care of his stuff. If your child forgets to turn in homework, let him take the lower grade or make him work out extra credit with his teacher himself. You are teaching responsibility — who doesn’t want responsible kids? They can help remind you of all the things you forget to do.9. Control media. If all the other parents let their child jump off a bridge, would you? Don’t let your kids watch a show or play a video game that is inappropriate for children just because all their friends have done it. If you stand up for decent parenting, others may follow. Create some positive peer pressure.10. Make them apologize. If your child does something wrong, make her fess up and face the consequences. Don’t brush rudeness, bullying or dishonesty under the rug. If you mess up, set the example and eat your humble pie.11. Mind their manners. Even small children can learn the basics of how to treat another human with respect and dignity. By making politeness a habit, you’ll be doing your kids a huge favor. Good manners go a long way toward getting someone what they want. We’ve all heard the saying, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."12. Make them work — for free. Whether it’s helping Grandma in the garden or volunteering to tutor younger kids, make service a part of your child’s life. It teaches them to look outside themselves and realize that other people have needs and problems, too — sometimes greater than their own.With all the time you spend being mean, don’t forget to praise and reward your children for their stellar behavior. And always, make sure they know you love them. With a little luck, your kids can turn the tide and make their generation one known for its hope and promise.
My Ideas,
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Addie @ 3 years
weight: 26 pounds
height: 34 inches
head: 19
Well to start off again for the third year in a row we have not been home on Addison's actual birthday. It's okay because it doesn't really matter when you celebrate it or what day its on as long as you do, right!!!
In Addison's case for some reason there has been a significant event happening on her birthday. The first year we were in Colorado for nanny and Papas 50th wedding anniversary and then we went to Breckenridge for the family reunion. The second year we had Grandma Farnsworth's funeral and this year we were at Gammy's house, so we finally had a little birthday party with a cake and people singing to her...she loved it but was sick...poor little girl. Maybe numero cuatro will be a winner !!!
We had a great birthday for her regardless. I love to see this munchkin grow and change. I think it is time to potty train for sure. I keep asking her if she is ready to go in the big potty all the time and not wear diapers anymore. She still isn't sure about giving up her onzies...if we can get rid of those then she will be ready
height: 34 inches
head: 19
Well to start off again for the third year in a row we have not been home on Addison's actual birthday. It's okay because it doesn't really matter when you celebrate it or what day its on as long as you do, right!!!
In Addison's case for some reason there has been a significant event happening on her birthday. The first year we were in Colorado for nanny and Papas 50th wedding anniversary and then we went to Breckenridge for the family reunion. The second year we had Grandma Farnsworth's funeral and this year we were at Gammy's house, so we finally had a little birthday party with a cake and people singing to her...she loved it but was sick...poor little girl. Maybe numero cuatro will be a winner !!!
We had a great birthday for her regardless. I love to see this munchkin grow and change. I think it is time to potty train for sure. I keep asking her if she is ready to go in the big potty all the time and not wear diapers anymore. She still isn't sure about giving up her onzies...if we can get rid of those then she will be ready
Addie is up to a lot of things:
She is talking up a storm these days. I wondered if she was ever going to and I am so happy that she figuring it out now.
She loves Dora and Sofia the first. She loved watching Caillou but I wasn't a fan, it teaches a good lesson but he always questioned when his mom asked him to do something and he was so whinny. I started noticing Addison acting like this so I put an x-nay to that. I'm glad I did...Sofia the first is so much better.
She loves going on walks...this is nothing new but now she loves to push her baby in the stroller while I push Livi. This is a moment that just melts my heart.
She is finally starting to smile for the camera. One in every 10 times but I'll take it. This last picture I captured it...it's one in a millions!
I was in the kitchen making something the other day and addie went and got her stool to help. She was reading off to me what I needed next from the cookbook. She would say, "mommy ouu need this next, then licking her finger, turning the page and saying, "now this and this", as she was naming things off
Whenever she leaves the room she tells me, "all be wight back", it must be because I do that to her all the time...
She loves helping me do the dishes and will stand there for an extra 30 minutes after just playing in the water and pretending to wash. I hope this faze sticks around for awhile.
She is still taking fantastic naps. Her schedule is: She goes down for a nap around 1 and sometimes I have to wake her up at 4 so she will go to bed. I put her down around 7:45 but since it's been summer and she wants to see her daddy, it's usually around 8. She is such a good girl.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Kami's Wedding
I am so grateful that Heavenly Father never leaves us. Even when bad things happen, he is always guiding our path if we but stay faithful. Kami went through a horrible divorce where her husband broke his vows and strayed away from values they chose to live together. They have a child so no seeing him after was out of the question. He was hateful and mean. It tore Kami up inside having to send her precious girl to be with her father where there were no standards and morals. Three years have passed since then and she has met the most amazing man who wants to be her's. What an emotional expereince to be able to attend and share in their happy day.
Kami and I have always been special friends...I love her and am so happy that she is started her happily ever after!!!
It was really nice to spend some time with my Momma. It was a pretty day and I always love spending time on the Temple grounds. I have to say this was one of the nicest experiences at a wedding. The workers in the temple didn't rush us, or were never short with us. They let us stay in the temple and look at things and enjoy the moments.I will always recommend to someone to be married in the Manti Temple.
Kami and I have always been special friends...I love her and am so happy that she is started her happily ever after!!!
It was really nice to spend some time with my Momma. It was a pretty day and I always love spending time on the Temple grounds. I have to say this was one of the nicest experiences at a wedding. The workers in the temple didn't rush us, or were never short with us. They let us stay in the temple and look at things and enjoy the moments.I will always recommend to someone to be married in the Manti Temple.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Summer 2013 so far.....
Well we are finally back home and enjoying it very much. The girls are doing the cute little things they do and this momma is just enjoying sitting back and taking it all in.
This is their favorite thing to do!!! I love to watch them being so happy.
My little Indian is passing me in the complexion department. She got her daddy's olive skin. One day in the sun and she's brown.
She is enjoying her front facing seat. I switcher her a the beginning of July and she is loving it now. It took a week for her to like it unlike Addison where it was almost instant.
Sleeping babies are the best. Whenever we travel to either Grandma's or Gammy's they fall asleep. It's good because Allen and I can talk, but also because it melts my heart to watch them, they are so peaceful!!
There are very few days that the girls don't want to get dressed right when they wake up, but on the occasion they don't , I take advantage of it...MY LITTLE ORPHAN GIRLS!!!
Livi isn't quite walking so she is enjoying her walker.
Addie has everything she needs. She pulls it around with her and when she finds a good place, she sets up shop. I got a video of this and can't wait to watch it in a few years!!
It is my goal every day to help these girls be the best of friends. It isn't easy but I know one day they will thank me for keeping them close and teaching them to play together and be kind!!
It's about time to take this binky away during the day. Give me a month and then she wont have it much any more I hope.
Addie has been very imaginative lately. She runs around some days and cleans the house like Cinderella, makes me dinner or dances around like Tianna. But most of all she loves taking care of her babies.
Oh Livi you are so close to walking, We know you can do it but I guess you will when you are good and ready!!
This is their favorite thing to do!!! I love to watch them being so happy.
My little Indian is passing me in the complexion department. She got her daddy's olive skin. One day in the sun and she's brown.
She is enjoying her front facing seat. I switcher her a the beginning of July and she is loving it now. It took a week for her to like it unlike Addison where it was almost instant.
Sleeping babies are the best. Whenever we travel to either Grandma's or Gammy's they fall asleep. It's good because Allen and I can talk, but also because it melts my heart to watch them, they are so peaceful!!
There are very few days that the girls don't want to get dressed right when they wake up, but on the occasion they don't , I take advantage of it...MY LITTLE ORPHAN GIRLS!!!
Livi isn't quite walking so she is enjoying her walker.
Addie has everything she needs. She pulls it around with her and when she finds a good place, she sets up shop. I got a video of this and can't wait to watch it in a few years!!
It is my goal every day to help these girls be the best of friends. It isn't easy but I know one day they will thank me for keeping them close and teaching them to play together and be kind!!
It's about time to take this binky away during the day. Give me a month and then she wont have it much any more I hope.
Addie has been very imaginative lately. She runs around some days and cleans the house like Cinderella, makes me dinner or dances around like Tianna. But most of all she loves taking care of her babies.
Oh Livi you are so close to walking, We know you can do it but I guess you will when you are good and ready!!
I try to get cute pictures of these two and it is like pulling teeth. They are never looking, smiling or happy at the same time. Heaven Help me in October when we get more pictures taken!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Olivia @ 15 Months
Weight: 18.5 pounds
Height: 28.5 inches
Head: 17
Height: 28.5 inches
Head: 17

Livi is doing so many things and growing up so much.She is taking several steps by herself but is still timid. She is going to be running very soon...ha ha! Sarah came for a week to stay with us and before she left she was getting Livi to walk the whole length of the gymnastics mat.
She is such a good little eater. She watches everything we do and is trying to mimic every move.
Her hair is finally starting to grow a bit more. and I can almost put it all back in piggy tails. It is so fun to finally use all the bows and ribbons I did with Addie.
She loves water. Even if the pool is cold she doesn't care. She slashes everyone around her and doesn't want to get out even when her lips are starting to turn blue.
She is still holding strong on being a great sleeper. She takes two napes still...one at 10am and another at 1:30, but I am in the process of switching her to one nap and its brutal. Skipping morning nap hasn't been easy or fun. (so for the last week she has been taking 1 nap at about 12:30 and going to bed promptly at 7pm) Gammy's house has been easier to make the switch...she has a dark basement.
She has really enjoyed coloring and reading books. We're trying to teach the difference between books that we don't color in and coloring books that we do. She is getting it I think....
This little girl is mellow, but I'm staring to see spitfire coming out in her and can't wait to see what the next few months bring.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
After Family pictures were over I stayed in Utah to go with everyone to Arizona for a Wedding while Allen came home to go back to work. I was sad that he didn't get to go with us. The drive was not horrible but pretty close. IT took us over 12 hrs because we stopped a few times so the girls could run and play. 4 little girls in a car says it all, right!!!!
We made it to Phoenix and were very happy we didn't have to stay in a hotel. We stayed at Allen's sister's house. They have a pool and live right on the golf course. It was GREAT!!
Livi loved the water so much and never wanted to get out of it! The pool kept us cool while we were there!!! (there is such a thing as to hot)
My Cousin James got home from his mission in January and married his sweetheart June 1st in the Mesa Temple. Good Day but TOO HOT!!!! We were finding shade wherever we could so that we would stop sweating.
picture by beautiful passions photography
We made it to Phoenix and were very happy we didn't have to stay in a hotel. We stayed at Allen's sister's house. They have a pool and live right on the golf course. It was GREAT!!
Livi loved the water so much and never wanted to get out of it! The pool kept us cool while we were there!!! (there is such a thing as to hot)
My Cousin James got home from his mission in January and married his sweetheart June 1st in the Mesa Temple. Good Day but TOO HOT!!!! We were finding shade wherever we could so that we would stop sweating.
picture by beautiful passions photography
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Gammy & Pops House
We scheduled family pictures on the 25th, so we headed down a few days early to visit My parents who just recently moved to Utah. It is still weird to think they live in Utah and I wont be going back to New Mexico any time soon. I get sad but then I remember I only have to drive 2 hours and we're there. I'll take that over 9hrs!!!
We played in the yard, pulled weeds, gammy made us a smoothie every morning, and played with cousins every day. I miss living close to my family. Maybe one day I can convince Allen to move to were they are...it's still in Utah it probably wont happen....one day!
Family pictures went well...I just hate getting ready for them and all the stress that comes with it and then for them to be over in 30 min seems like I got worked up for nothing.
We played in the yard, pulled weeds, gammy made us a smoothie every morning, and played with cousins every day. I miss living close to my family. Maybe one day I can convince Allen to move to were they are...it's still in Utah it probably wont happen....one day!
Family pictures went well...I just hate getting ready for them and all the stress that comes with it and then for them to be over in 30 min seems like I got worked up for nothing.
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